Faith and Tony

I probably say it about every wedding I photograph but this was one of my favorites! I loved getting to celebrate alongside Faith and Tony's friends and family last weekend! Just by being with their families and friends for a short time I could see that they both have many strong spiritual role models and lots of people surrounding their new life together!

Something I've started doing recently is sending my couples a questionnaire that helps me get to know their story a little bit better. I ask questions like, How did you meet? What are your favorite things to do together? and my personal favorite, How did he propose?

Here is what Faith wrote about their proposal:

"For a couple of weeks, Tony was really excited about our weekend plans coming up. I was optimistically suspicious, but I didn't want to let on so he wouldn't change his plans. We started out one Saturday going to Uncle Julio's (my grandparents' favorite restaurant in the metroplex). Then, to kill some time I later found out, we went to the Dallas Art Museum. Lastly, we met up with his sister and nephews to take "Easter pictures" at the Arboretum. Little did I know, his friend Ben was already there with his wife setting the scene for the big question. All the way there, his nephew was holding my hand and the biggest task of the whole day was getting him to give us some alone time so Tony could make his dreams come true. ;) The moment itself was really sweet and meaningful. He had rose petals scattered on the pathway, the perfect ring, and of course I said YES!"